Occasional thoughts on my professional interests of digital media, technology, and the reindustrialization of the world; interspersed with even more occasional notes on my hobbies of linguistics, urban planning, New York, and cycling.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
I Forgive Myself
What about forgiving ourselves though?
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Stop Using Lack of a Technical Co-founder As a Crutch
Why should every tech startup be one business guy and the rest engineers? Why should you always finish the product before you build the business? A true entrepreneur doesn't hold up his business because he can't find one factor input. She fakes it, makes it work, pushes forward by sheer willpower. He does it manually until it's clear that there's a business and has developers clamoring to be his CTO.
It's one thing if you are selling technology, be it hardware or software; it's another if you are a tech-enabled business using the web for greater efficiency and scale. Saying you need to be a programmer to start a web-based startup is like saying you need to be an architect and a bricklayer to start a brick and mortar business. Get your business going, then you'll find the greatest architect ever and have more than a dream to sell him on.
The Fetishization of Product
[this post is likely to draw some controversy, not only b/c it goes against tech startup orthodoxy, but also b/c I didn't edit it before pressing 'Publish']
Should product be separate from business? As if business would sully it? Like asking about a business model at NYTM?
Are more people likely to use Uber b/c it has a great "product", or because of the availability of cars?
Twitter still has a horrible "product" - but nobody really cares.
I think we are moving into a post-product world, where people understand that the role "product" is to deliver the business, not the other way around.